Calendula, commonly known as "marigold," is a native of Europe and was named by the Romans because the plant blooms on the first day "calends" of every month. Calendula was...
Sweet-smelling dried Elderflower makes a lovely tea with all sorts of health benefits you'll have to look up because I'm not allowed to make medicinal claims for the products I...
JUNIPER BERRY - With unusual cone shapes and a scaly surface, juniper berries are a unique seasoning. There are several species of juniper berries, produced on evergreen trees native to...
Licorice Root is traditionally used in treating urinary and intestinal inflammation. Description Glycyrrhiza Species Kosher Product Notes: Licorice root is used primarily for herbal preparations and teas. Suggested Use To...
Milk thistle is a member of the sunflower family native to a narrow area of the Mediterranean. It has since been naturalized throughout Europe and can commonly be found in...
This herb is rich in phytoestrogens (estrogen-like compounds). It is traditionally known as a blood cleanser, aiding with the elimination of toxins in the blood, and improving skin in many...
Chamomile flowers have been used in many remedies, an infusion of chamomile flowers can be used as a shampoo, especially for blonde hair. The chamomile flowers are sometimes added to cosmetics as an anti-allergic agent or turned into an ointment for use on hemorrhoids and wounds. Also used in pot-rot or added to...
Red clover is a plant. The flower tops are used to make medicine. Red clover is used for many conditions, but so far, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to determine...
The Devil's Claw cut and sifted is a popular herb known to nourish the skeletal system and treat aches and pains. Boil the Devil's Claw with your herbal teas for...