Burdock has a long history of use as a cultivated vegetable and medicine. This Russian native now grows as a weed in much of North America and Europe. Growing 2-5...
Burdock has a long history of use as a cultivated vegetable and medicine. This Russian native now grows as a weed in much of North America and Europe. Growing 2-5...
Product Details Ingredients Directions Bladder Control Tea for Women: Formulated to help reduce frequent urination and urinary incontinence that can lead to interrupted sleep, anxiety-ridden travel, embarrassing odour and wetness.*...
Licorice is a plant. You are probably most familiar with it as a flavouring in foods, beverages, and tobacco. The root is used to make medicine. Licorice is used for...
Originating in Europe, the horsetail is one of the most ancient plants on the planet. When powdered, horsetail has a lush appearance and a sweet, enchanting smell. This powder can...
Nettle is native to North America and Europe. This North American variety is commonly known as ‘Stinging Nettle,’ because of its tiny stinging hairs. Nettle was one of the European’s...
Calendula, commonly known as "marigold," is a native of Europe and was named by the Romans because the plant blooms on the first day "calends" of every month. Calendula was...
Before the era of modern medicine, Native Americans and pioneers developed numerous herbal combinations to assist in the natural healing process. This particularly powerful four herb remedy was discovered, refined,...
This west Mediterranean native was one of the principal herbs used by the ancient Greeks and Romans; its fresh, clean scent was their favourite bath water additive. Today, Lavender is...